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发布时间:2016-03-01    点击量:





李喆,女,1980年11月出生,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市人,共产党员,博士,讲师。电子信箱: lizhe@neuq.edu.cn


1999.9-2003.7 哈工大管理学院  金融学专业本科

2000.9-2004.7 哈工大计算机学院 计算机科学与技术专业双学士学位

2003.9-2005.7 哈工大管理学院 国际贸易专业硕士

2005.9-2010.9 哈工大管理学院 技术经济及管理专业博士






(1)国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(71401028). 基于多元多尺度熵的金融危机多国间传染研究.2015.1-2017.12



(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目(71173060).多市场间金融危机传染的非线性动力学研究,2012.1 – 2015.12


(3)国家自然科学基金资助项目(70773028).基于非线性相互预测的金融危机传染机制研究. 2008.1-2010.12



•Abdol S. Soofi*, Zhe Li, Xiaofeng Hui, Nonlinear interdependence of the Chinese stock markets. Quantitative Finance. 12(3), pp : 397-410, 2012.(SSCI 检索, 检索号:000302423100006)

•Abdol S. Soofi*, Andreas Galka, Li Zhe, Yuqin Zhang, Xiaofeng Hui, Applications of Methods and Algorithms of Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance, in: Faggini, Marisa, Parziale, Anna (Eds.), Complexity in Economics[M], Springer press (in press, available on July 9, 2014).

•李喆,基于储蓄—投资相关性的京津冀金融一体化的现状分析, 中国管理科学(专辑),2012,Vol 20.special issue : 869-872

•Zhe Li*, Shu Liu, Zhe Liu.Empirical research on the relationship between financial development and economic growth based on VAR model-A Case Study of Qinhuangdao, in: Ershi Qi, Jiang Shen,and Runliang Dou(eds.).The 20th International conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. Baotou: Springer Press, 2013, pp.973-984(EI检索,检索号:20142217758993)

•金融传染的非线性动力学研究,运筹与管理,2010,19(2): 123-128

•Dynamical interdependence analysis in the stock indices of the East Asian economies,PROCEEDINGS OF 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (15TH), 2008, 2 : 1134-1138(EI检索号:20085211810167)

•Financial contagion analysis based on hybrid nonlinear mutual prediction algorithm and fuzzy neural networks, The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC’08-FSKD’08), 2008, 7 : 245-249 (EI检索号: 20085211804197)


•Nonlinear analysis of RMB/USD exchange rate after the exchange rate reform in 2005, PROCEEDINGS OF 2007 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (14TH), 2007, 2 : 1674-1679 (EI 检索号:20082111267441)

•Using fuzzy neural networks for RMB/USD real exchange rate forecasting, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series), 2005, 12 (2) : 189-192.(EI 检索号:2005269184622)